Saturday, 21 January 2012

Welcome 2012!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! After nearly 6 wonderful weeks in South Africa I arrived home and got gastroenteritis.  Not nice.  I haven´t had anything except a handful of Marie biscuits and copius quantities of Coca Cola since Tuesday.  Today´s Saturday.  I´ve lost 2kg.  Great way to kickstart to my new eating regime.

I took nearly 800 photos in South Africa.  Still ploughing my way through them. ( I promise to post as soon as I get back on my feet) In the meantime, I wanted to share my one and only bit of artwork for the last 2 months with you.  My cousin (in South Africa) eloped on Boxing Day, much to our excitement.  I did this as their ´wedding´present:

all done and framed "Garden of Marriage"
Took 1 week to complete - artwork itself size A3
I added their names and the date they got married
most of the flowers symbolised incorporated something integral to a good marriage